Does it matter what fonts you use on your website? The tendency is to accept the default fonts that are included with whatever application you are using to manage your content. Most of the time that means your website uses a standard san serif font. There is nothing wrong with that. Those fonts usually look clean and crisp. Your site will be easy to read. That is important. Now for the but — your site will also look like 90% of the other sites out there.
What makes the layout of this site special? It looks quite ordinary. No sizzle. But when you look closely it has some unique characteristics. Many things were built with a precision that isn't evident at first glance. That's intentional, though it should appear natural. In this article we'll describe some features of the site that are deliberate.
I have seen the core. In my first full time job with NCR Canada, I was privileged to work on early electronic cash registers and accounting equipment. In those days 4096 bytes of core memory was sufficient.
Every project needs to be managed. On small projects one person may be the architect, the project manager, the designer and the builder. On larger projects each of these roles will have several people assigned. Regardless of the size, keeping a project focused requires good management.
Understanding requirements is the beginning of all information technology projects, right?
Perhaps we'll get a contact us form here soon. In the meantime email or voice mail works.
This is my first post in Soon I will be doing this with ease. And when I save the file and hit a button, my website will be updated automatically.
First internet email address in 1985 at UW
Business intelligence, that is